Thursday, June 16, 2016

Critique of Mr. Obama's Powerful Words About Terrorism

Titled Mr. Obama's Powerful Words About Terrorism, this author supports Obama, as you can see from the title, and shows signs of disapproval towards Trump in the actual article. I think that the author's intention of writing this editorial is to emphasize the good in Obama, by highlighting his values of equality of everyone. Therefore, the author's intended audience would be people who also support Obama and possibly people who disagree with him, to show the good intentions that Obama has.

First off, the author handles the subject of the president's and Trump's individual thoughts on terrorism, but only reflects Trump's point of view with what Obama has to say about it. Using words like "condemn Mr. Trump and his defenders" and :Mr. Obama pointedly asked", the author criticizes Trump with Obama's reactions, but never really clearly shows Trump's point of view and reasons behind it. Although I do agree with the author, and even though this is an editorial, I wish that he or she showed different points of views with this topic, like mentioning what other candidates have to say, or being more logical about it while still having their own opinions.

Furthermore, the author signals the supporters of Obama are the "good people" by using phrases like "what Americans of good will understand". This conveys that the author fully supports Obama, once again, and having an underlying statement that the Republicans are "bad people", which I think is not very logical. The author also does not have much evidence in their article, excluding quotes from the politicians. I personally think that if he or she included the effects of past terrorism and the results of the solutions that Obama gave, in order to make this article more logical by adding more factual evidence. This way, people can understand the author's points better, and it can appeal to the audience more, by appearing more logical.

Overall, I think that this author has his or her points, and I agree with them, but I think that he or she could've added more evidence to seem more logical and appeal to the public more. The author's targeted audience would be the fellow supporters of Obama, like the author, or the opposite side, to convince them that Obama and his supporters are "good", and that they should support him and the Democrats as well.

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