Thursday, June 30, 2016

Editorial #2: We Should Fight For Global Climate Change

Everyone is affected by the climate, uses natural resources, but also, majority of the people affect global climate change by thickening the atmosphere. I believe that people, as individuals, should help reduce global warming, but more importantly, have government leaders and officials to implement solutions to the worsening global climate change, especially since humans are the major cause of global climate change.

Since every single one of us is affected by global warming and climate change, everyone should help to save the planet. Individuals can help by doing their part in saving the planet, like simply changing the light bulb with a compact fluorescent light bulb, and setting the thermostat two degrees down in winter and two up in the summer. Simple ways like this will most likely save you money, but help the environment. If everyone takes part, it will add up and definitely make a difference.

However, we, as humans, can make a significant amount of difference in reducing factors that cause global climate change by electing leaders to promote ways to save the planet. Possible solutions to global warming are limiting the amount of carbon that vehicles are allowed to emit, investing in efficient energy technologies, industries, and approaches, and reducing tropical deforestation. Although this will mostly likely be costly at first, but I think that taking these actions will benefit all of us. According to the New York Times, even increasing 3.6 degrees will take lives of many, and at this rate, by 2100, there is a 10 percent chance that the planet will increase 12.4 degrees. If the government of urban countries increase taxes only to help the planet by limiting the emission of carbon, many people would gladly accept it, since it is for the benefit for everyone.

I personally think that possible solutions to global climate change is fairly easy, with today's technology, and that the governments should fight for global climate change, with people individually helping the planet as well.


Jane Kim said...

Hi Kyuree, i wrote a blog post in response of your article.

Deena Ismail said...

In the editorial piece We Should Fight for Global Climate Change by Kyuree Kwak, the author makes the point that climate change is an ongoing issue, and while costly to fix, it is a price worth paying. I completely agree. As humans, it is our duty to protect the Earth from its biggest threat: ourselves.

While some dismiss that global warming even exists, the evidence for it is clear. Temperatures have risen, causing increased glacial melting, which led to a sea level 8 inches higher than it was 100 years ago. With the effects of climate change increasing in rapidity, scientists believe the sea level will have risen anywhere from one to four feet by 2100. This human-induced problem will have untold consequences for plants, animals, and humans alike.

Cutting back on our carbon footprint, with things like fluorescent lights and recycling, will certainly save the environment in the short-run, but I believe that harnessing renewable energy is the long-term answer. Solar powered houses are starting to gain recognition, as well as wind turbines. With correct design and planning, solar houses can save you money and allows you to be energy independent, in solar energy cannot be bought or monopolized. Renewable energy is by no means ready to completely compensate for our current needs, but with time and a little money put toward this research, we can one day rely solely on infinite sources, rather than finite, all while saving the Earth along the way.